Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employee Turnover free essay sample

My gratitude will also go to my family for their immeasurable support and encouragement, both spiritually and materially, which enabled me to accomplish this work. The Kenya national library and Jomo KenyattaMemorial library also assisted me in such a big way and I thank them greatly allowing me access to their facility as well as the personalized service I got from their staff. Last but not least, I will earnestly thank my colleagues and work mates for their understanding, encouragement and support during my study period. May God bless you all and expand your boundaries to untold limits. The target population will be all the employees in General Motors East Africa Ltd. The company has six departments and a total of 300 employees. A sample of 20% of employees in these departments will be taken for study. A representative group according to Mugenda and Mugenda is one that is at least 10% of the population interest. One of the main problems experienced is that of staff turnover. Hewu Hospital had 60 vacancies for nurses and 15 for doctors, and Bisho had 59 vacancies for nurses and 16 for doctors. Both hospitals were operating at a ratio of one nurse to 18 patients. Since 2003. at Hewu Hospital, a total of 73 nurses and doctors have resigned which was indicative of the stressful situation that exists. The vacancies have increased the workload of the remaining doctors and nurses (Mgudlwa, 2006). Kreitner and Kinicki (2001, p. 28) state that staff turnover is costly and decreases the job satisfaction of the remaining staff. Turnover also disrupts organisational continuity and is very costly in terms of rehiring and training new employees (Kreitner Kinicki, 2001, p. 28). It is therefore necessary to investigate staff turnover and find ways to control it. 2 To retain and maintain employees is not just about providing money and titles. It is also a matter of creating an environment or culture with which employees can identify (Bruce Pepitone, 1999, p. 106). The goal of truly successful managers is to get employees to work energetically, enthusiastically and to the best of their ability. Davis (1997, p. 261) relates higher job satisfaction to lower employee turnover. The more satisfied employees tend to stay in their jobs for longer. The above discussion leads to the main problem of this study. . 2 THE MAIN PROBLEM What factors contribute to staff turnover at Hewu Hospital and Bisho Hospital? 1. 2. 1 Sub-problems The following sub-problems have been developed from the main problem: Sub-problem 1 What individual, job, organisational, and environmental factors impact on staff turnover? This sub-problem was addressed by a thorough literature study to comp are and integrate the various theoretical approaches that highlight the factors that contribute to staff turnover. Interviews were conducted with the chief executive officer of Hewu Hospital and five senior nurses get their views on the abovementioned factors. Sub-problem 2 What strategies can organisations use to reduce staff turnover? This sub- problem was addressed by a theoretical study of strategies that organisations could use to reduce staff turnover. These strategies are covered in Chapter three. Sub-problem 3 What individual, job, organisational, and environmental factors, identified in the resolution of sub-problem one, contribute to high staff turnover among doctors and nurses at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals? This sub-problem was addressed by means of an empirical study, in the format of a survey with a questionnaire as data collecting tool. The questionnaire was administered to doctors and nurses at both Hewu and Bisho Hospitals. Sub-problem 4 What strategies are used at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals to reduce staff turnover? This sub-problem was addressed by means of an empirical study in the format of a survey with a questionnaire as data collecting tool. 1. 2. 2 Objectives of the study The study aimed at achieving the following objectives: To conduct a theoretical study to define what staff turnover is, and investigate how staff turnover is measured, as well as to give an overview of the causes and consequences of staff turnover. 4 To conduct a literature study to identify factors relating to the individual, the job, organisation (including organisational culture) and environment that contribute to staff turnover. To conduct an interview with the chief executive officer and five senior nurses to get their views on staff turnover at Hewu Hospital. To use the information gained from the interview and from the literature study, to develop a questionnaire. This would be used in the empirical study to determine the extent to which doctors and nurses at both hospitals agreed that the identified factors were evident in their work situation. To conduct a literature study to identify strategies that organisations can use to retain staff. To conduct an empirical study to determine what strategies were being used at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals to retain doctors and nurses. To provide recommendations for the reduction of staff turnover at these hospitals.

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