Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Science vs Aging Essay -- Research Papers Essays

Science versus Aging Proposition Statement: Medicinal services and science assets ought to be minimalistically assigned to our maturing populace, concentrating on giving quality to the maturing a very long time without depleting resources in a wild endeavor to expand life. Presentation: The segment projections in the United Sates are critical. Somewhere in the range of 1982 and 2030 the middle age will move from 30.6 to 40.8 years and the extent of the populace more than 65 will go from 11.6 to 21.1 percent (Committee on the Aging Society, 1985). People more than 85 are the quickest developing age gathering, multiple times more various than in 1900 (Callahan, 1995). This is additionally a worldwide issue; by 2040 most created nations will have 30 percent of their populace more than 60 (Hanson, 1994). These figures request our consideration on issues of maturing. Most older need financial help and are essentially subject to bring down age gatherings. In the 1930's the greater part of the older lived beneath the neediness line. Government managed savings decreased this figure to 15.7 percent by 1980. multi year-olds get half percent of their yearly salary from government disability (Committee on the Aging Society, 1985). The remainder of their pay regularly originates from annuity plans or family reserves. Older populaces expend altogether more clinical assets than other age gatherings. In 1984 older were 12% of our populace, yet devoured 31% of clinical assets; by 2040 they are required to expend 45 %. The Federal Government at present spends roughly $200 billion on human services for the old, which still just covers 67% of the uses. The staying 33%, or $100 billion, must be secured by older and their families (Callahan, 1995). These financial uses have social conseq... ...the Aging Society. (1985). Maturing America: Health in an Older Society. Washington DC: National Academic Press. 7. Finch, C. E. (1978). The Brain and Aging. In The Biology of Aging (pp.301-309). New York: Plenum Press. 8. Fries, James F. (1986). The Compression of Morbidity. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly, 61: 3, 347-355. 9. Hanson, Mark J. (1994). How we Treat the Elderly. Hastings Center Report, 24:5, 4-8. PMID: 8002311 10. Harley, Calvin B. (1996). Telomeres. In Encyclopedia of Gerontology (Vol. 2, pp. 539-543). Washington DC: Academic Press. 11. Kirkwood, T. B. (1977). Advancement of Aging. Nature, 270:2, 301-304. 12. May, William F. (1996). Testing the Medical Covenant. Stupendous Rapids: Eerdmans Publishing. 13. Ill humored, Henry H. (1994). Four Scenarios for an Aging Population. Hastings Center Report, 24:5, 32-34. PMID: 8002308

Saturday, August 22, 2020

PEST (LE) Analysis on Cadburys PLC

SWOT/PEST (LE) Analysis on Cadburys PLC Presentation Cadbury is the brand of a trustworthy confectionary organization with a various collection of chocolates, gum and candy. The company’s piece extends back to 1824 when the company’s pioneer, John Cadbury opened a chocolate shop in Birmingham (Watson 6). As of now, the organization is predominant in the chocolate business and flaunts an all-encompassing worldwide nearness and impact. On May 7, 2008, the American drink organizations division and the confectionary part finished their detachment and Cadbury became Cadbury PLC.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on SWOT/PEST (LE) Analysis on Cadburys PLC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More SWOT Analysis Of Cadbury Plc SWOT examination is a calculative vital procedure utilized in hierarchical intending to assess the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats engaged with a business venture or the business all in all. SWOT examination involves the recognizable proof of focuses of an undertaking or an undertaking. When recognized, the procedure in accomplishing the objectives is inspected along with the inside and fringe impacts that influence the procedure prompting ideal or ominous accomplishment of the objective. In breaking down Cadbury PLC, it is basic to examine the organization’s execution against a comparable scale to that of the opposition (Leikin 3). The rivals for this situation are other confectionary organizations like Nestle which have throughout the years tested Cadbury PLC. Qualities Of Cadbury Plc The primary quality Cadbury PLC has is the benefit of numbers considering the association has specialty units everywhere throughout the world. The units are available in Britain, Ireland, Middle East, Africa, north and South America, Europe, Asia and the pacific (King 1). All the units have business tendencies as their rule main thrust, yet the units additionally have flexibly chain and science and innovation capacities. The inside associ ation of Cadbury PLC makes space for four corporate capacities in all the units. The capacities are human asset corporate undertakings, procedure, data innovation, legitimate and secretariat. This sort of useful structure takes into consideration the specialty units to concentrate on business programs while focusing on inward development (Leikin 1). Cadbury PLC likewise has the upside of having globally notable and regarded brand names. The altruism of the brands creates around half of the organization’s income and this infers the brand bears higher benefit than the confectionary assortment. Shortcomings Of Cadbury Plc One of the organization’s unwavering shortcomings is the dependence on confectionary advertise for productivity. Different organizations with a comparable objective market to that of Cadbury PLC for example Nestle have increasingly assorted items including however not restricted to confectionary items, child nourishments, and oats among others (Leikin 1) . Cadbury has likewise been for the most part Europe based for quite a while and as of late broadened into monstrous customer markets like America. In examination, other confectionary organizations of Cadbury PLC’s bore have enhanced their objective markets and can be found in practically all significant global purchaser advertises subsequently picking up influence over Cadbury (Rosenfeld 9).Advertising Looking for report on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Opportunities The confectionary showcase is the quickest developing stuffed food advertise with a 5% p.a development rate meaning Cadbury still has different unexploited markets like China, India and Russia where purchaser riches is expanding legitimately corresponding to the population(Miller 16). There is likewise expanded interest of confectionary items in such developing markets. The confectionary business has over the ongoing years seen a few effective mergers and acquisitions. Directed obtaining will expand the piece of the pie and item expansion. There is an expanded interest for more advantageous low calories tidbits which could prompt new items for example natural bites, sugar free bites or low fat confectionary items crating space for advancement (Miller 1). Dangers There is a rising event of corpulence in the two grown-ups and kids which has prompted expanded weight watching and requirement for sound nourishments and way of life. The social changes in nourishment and way of life have unquestionably influenced the interest of Cadbury items (Watson 1). Forceful rivalry from other confectionary associations in created markets has prompted conceivable value wars between the organizations (Leikin 1). The worldwide interest for cost decreases in condition, transport, vitality and flexibly has taken steps to debilitate the operational structure of Cadbury PLC (Rosenfeld 4). Pest(le) Analysis Of Cadbury Plc In T he U.K PEST (LE) investigation is the vital examination of the exhaustive fringe conditions encompassing a business activity. Such conditions are ordinarily over the control or impact of the business, however bear urgent effect on the result of item improvement, business arranging and technique. They include: Political Conditions various MPs dread occupations will be lost if Cadbury investors acknowledge a 11.5 billon pound offer from Kraft nourishments in an assume control over offer. Cadbury as of now utilize 2,500 people at its plant at Bourneville in Birmingham and a further 1200 in Herefordshire (King 11). The MPs further view the take over by Kraft as a danger to the imagination of Cadbury representatives and development of the West Midlands. The MPs are not content with the way that Kraft has its base in Illinois meaning choices will be made dependent on factors in Illinois not West Midlands (Rosenfeld 9). Such political impedances are probably going to impact people in gener al and inspire furious responses from both the workers and individuals from the general population (Watson 6). Be that as it may, The Competition Act of 2000 stops impedance by the legislature based on open enthusiasm for cases, for example, this (Watson 3).Advertising We will compose a custom report test on SWOT/PEST (LE) Analysis on Cadburys PLC explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Economic Conditions Current financial conditions in the U.K are overflowing for effective activity of the confectionary business. The worldwide monetary downturn is turning around and numerous organizations are currently ready to make sure about assets and bolster creation (Rosenfeld 5). Cadbury PLC was not that stable financially during the worldwide downturn and needed to offer its offers in the universal market. Kraft nourishments, a U.S based organization proposed to take over Cadbury and offered a moderately high offer for it. Subsequently, despite the fact that the current financ ial conditions are steady, the previous monetary conditions were impeding to Cadbury prompting monstrous obligation in the end prompting the assume control over offer/merger (Miller 16). Social Conditions There has been an exponential development in the events of corpulence cases in the U.K just as weight related diseases both in kids and grown-ups. Wellbeing and wellness specialists in the U.K are cautioning that if society doesn't change their dietary patterns continuously 2025, one out of three passings will be weight related (Miller 8). Such perceptions have mixed sharp changes in the dietary patterns and ways of life of the overall population. Confectionary items are viewed as high in calories and the social disposition towards such items is changing importance general society is increasingly intrigued by natural nourishments and confectionaries are presently being viewed as credits to stoutness. TechnologyAdvertising Searching for report on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Cadbury PLC considers mechanical progression as one of the key mainstays of the company’s accomplishment consistently. The organization has an alumni program that is bolstered by specialized preparing and the point of the program is to empower development (King 15). The organization has understood a few new creation and handling strategies through this program, similar to the candy churner and the chocolate whip which are propelled developments for higher and quicker creation (Miller 5). Cadbury still falls behind the opposition most definitely on the grounds that they need oat making machines as wells as child food innovation (Miller 10). End Cadbury Plc has been a steady and effective confectionary organization since its foundation in the mid nineteenth century. A SWOT examination of the organization has distinguished a portion of the solid focuses Cadbury Plc profited by to sustain worldwide development. A powerful shortcoming has additionally been uncovered and that is the late section into the American market, one of the biggest shopper advertises on the planet. The PESTLE examination looks at the presentation Cadbury Plc in the U.K comparative with its condition. The ongoing merger which has come to be known as an antagonistic take over by the U.S based Kraft nourishments created a great deal of debate. In any case, it is obvious from the examination that Cadbury Plc was experiencing extreme financial conditions and Kraft’s intercession was opportune however the activity procedures of the two organizations vary significantly. Lord, Leo. Kraft to cut  £430m costs a year with Cadbury coordination. June 2010. 17 Feb 2010, from: 430m-costs-a-year-with-cadbury-coordination 18868/2/Leikin, Peter. â€Å"Krafts Bid to Buy Cadbury Means Its Time We Stopped Selling Off U.K Plc†. May 2009.â Web. Mill operator, Hudson. Kraft Foods Bites Back and Questions Cadbury’s Long Term T argets. Jan 2009. 17 Feb 2010 from:, Irene. Kraft Foods Inc. (Kraft Foods) Statement Regarding Cadbury Plc (Cadbury) and Us Competition Clearance. Sept 2009. Web. Watson, Nick. â€Å"Cadbury, Kraft and th

Friday, August 21, 2020

Capital Account Liberalisation And Economic Growth Economics Essay free essay sample

Presentation. The hypothesis of financial progression since McKinnon ( 1973 ) and Shaw ( 1973 ) has progressed from focusing on acknowledgment markets and the people area to incorporate the private part. In latest surveies, the contention have been centered around the kineticss of the advancement of the obligation ( securities ) and value markets and it s outcome on financial developing in creating states. The progression of the obligation and value showcases from a more extensive perspective is called capital history advancement ( Tswamuno et al, 2007 ) .In its investigation on capital history convertibility, the Tarapore Committee of the Reserve Bank of India gives an inclusive and subtle definition as follows: Capital history convertibility or progression is the opportunity to change over nearby financial resources into outside monetary resources and the other way around at advertise decided paces of trade. It is related with adjustments of proprietorship on outside/local financial resources and liabilities and encapsulates the innovative action and settlement of cases on or by the rest of the universe. Capital history convertibility can be, and is, concurrent with confinements other than on outside installments. It other than does non forestall the curse of money related/financial advances partner to remote trade minutess, which are of a prudential sort. ( Reserve Bank of India, 1997 ) .with regards to this proposition, the above meaning of capital history advancement will be received as it is wide and includes all the pertinent aspects of the strategy. Henry ( 2006 ) characterizes capital history advancement as an assurance by a state s specialists to go from a shut capital history government in which capital may non travel uninhibitedly all through the state, to a financial framework where capital can come in and go forward freely. Tswamuno et Al ( 2007 ) other than alludes to capital history progression as an arrangement by which a specialists gives remote speculators the option to purchase segments and securities in the state s markets, at a similar clasp permitting residential financial specialists the option to stock in outside protections. Cobbam ( 2001 ) characterizes capital history progression as the method of taking impediments from universal minutess identified with the movement of capital. It can influence the remotion of controls on both local tenants and global monetary minutess and on investings in the spot state by outsiders. Capital history advancement can use to the two influxs and departures of capital. He is of the position that capital history confinements can take grouped signifiers, for example, limiting local Bankss remote appropriation, directing outside capital coming into the monetary framework, confining the areas of industry in which outsiders can put, and reducing the capacity of remote speculators to repatriate cash earned from investings in the household financial system.Harmonizing to Ghosh ( 2005 ) , capital history advancement commonly includes modifications in the trade control government with full convertibility of the present history minutess join toing exchange progression either foremo st or simultaneously, which are supplemented with changing evaluations of convertibility on the capital history. He characterizes capital history progression steps freely to cover the undermentioned, in expanding level of solidarity, however with a wide variety of types of execution, therefore:Measures that permit remote tenants to keep local financial resources, either in the signifier of obligation or value. This can be related with more noteworthy opportunity for residential houses to set about outer business reception, as often as possible without specialists warrant or in any event, administering. It can other than influence the weakening or remotion of controls on the passage of new financial houses, proficient to their gathering pre-determined standards as for capital investings. This does non needfully increment rivalry, since it is typically connected with the opportunity to get financial houses for residential and outside members and stretches out to authorizations gave to remote institutional speculators, annuity financess and fence financess to place in value and obligation markets, which regularly triggers a system of combination ;Measures which permit household inhabitants to keep remote monetary resources. This is regularly observed as a progressively intense evaluation of advancement, since it facilitates the chance of capital trip by residential inhabitants in times of emergency. In any case, a figure of states that get over the top capital influxs that do non add to local putting resources into the net and are reflected in unneeded accumulation of remote trade civ ilian armies, have gone to such strides as an office of cut bringing down power per unit region on the swapping scale ;Measures that permit outside money advantages for be unreservedly held and exchanged inside the residential monetary framework ( the dollarisation of accounts ) . This is the most extreme signifier of outer monetary advancement, which has been actualized just in extremely scarcely any states. Start of capital history advancement. Toward the start of the 1990s there was a huge expansion in private capital streams into creating states. This streams stayed significant through to the late ninetiess with one-year streams making $ 100 billion[ 1 ]. During this clasp, the authoritiess and the arrangement shapers in these creating states become worried that these enormous capital deluge to take to local rising costs, existent conversion scale handle or twisting of household resources money related values.However, get bringing down in 1997, the propensity turned around well against the foundation of a progression of capital history emergencies in a portion of these creating states. As a result of these emergencies, the global network began paying taking care of the danger of loosened capital history and in unconventional, with respect to momentary capital streams and the stableness each piece great as the wellbeing of the monetary markets in these creating states. Numerous financial specialists and approach shapers started to pay taking care of the structure of regulative condition that would amplify the advantages of dis h to worldwide retirement funds while downplaying the likeliness and the expense of monetary emergencies ( IMF, 2004 )Consequently, during the 1990s contentions on the connection between capital history progression and long haul monetary developing reappeared from the writing on endogenous developing. A development of this school of thought began to focus on whether capital history advancement could explain supported financial developing. The premises of this school of thought is that monetary improvements produce an outer result on whole contributing proficiency, which expect, counterbalances the decreasing in the fringy product of capital. In accordance with this announcement, the IMF looked to do capital history progression their motivation and remembered this as bit of their legitimate force for 1997. In add-on, some financial master, for outline, Fischer ( 1998 ) , Summers ( 2000 ) and Henry ( 2006 ) other than made the occasion for capital history liberalization.However, Rodrik ( 1998 ) and Stiglitz ( 2000 ) contend against capital history progression. Stiglitz ( 2000 ) , for outline, is of the position that capital history advancement is predominantly gotten from the standard proficiency hypothesis which utilizes a regular neo-traditional hypothesis and dismissing the specific ways that financial and capital markets are not the same as normal products and ventures markets. He contends that the heroes of the arrangement point of convergence on proficiency impacts and ignoring the distributional impacts. Apparently, accepting that if the augmentations from the arrangement are enormous bounty, the advantages will spi ll down to the hoards or the specialists will make dynamic strides that the hoards will non be hindered ( Stiglitz, 2000 ) . Hypothetical explanations for capital history advancement. Supporters of capital history progression contend that worldwide capital streams from advancement lead to bring down expense of capital, let for danger variegation, empowers putting resources into endeavors with more significant yields lastly prompts incorporation into the universe monetary framework. Extensively talking, there are two restricting situations about the intelligence of capital history advancement as an arrangement pick for improvement states ( Henry, 2006 ) . The main position is Allocation Efficiency. This relies, as it were, upon the expectations of the standard neoclassical developing hypothetical record spearheaded by Solow ( 1956 ) . In the neoclassical hypothetical record, changing the capital history encourages an increasingly proficient worldwide designation of assets and creates some beneficial outcomes on the financial framework. Along these lines, in principle, assets stream from capital-plentiful states, where the arrival on capital is low, to capital-rare states where the arrival on capital is high. The progression of assets into the capitally rare states lessens their expense of capital, triping a fleeting expansion in contributing and developing that for good raises their rule of life ( Fischer ( 1998 and 2003 ) , Obstfeld ( 1998 ) , Rogoff ( 1999 ) and Summers ( 2000 ) . As a result of the conceive planned increases from coordinating portion effectiveness explanations into their financial strategies, a few creating states including PCECs have actualized some signifier of capital history advancement policies.The opposite side of the coin of apportioning proficiency is a push to augment the outcomes of the augmentations from universal exchange products to global exchange resources. The expectations henceforth hold only where there are no distortions to the monetary framework other than boundaries to free capital streams. Pundits contend that the hypothetical expectations of the neoclassical hypothetical record look to some extent like the universe of capital history policy.Furthermore, the hypothesis of global in addition to estimating hypothetical record predicts that capital his

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Food Processing Agricultural

Food Processing in Agricultural Regions. Agricultural regions in any country, including the United Kingdom, have historically been seen as poorer neighbours to the more industrialised areas of any particular country (Pierpont 1997). This position has been brought about mainly as a result of the fact that pay, employment opportunity and economic output tends to be lower than other areas of industry. The logistical problem in terms of transport and flexibility of workforce is also a contributory factor. Consequently, many agricultural regions have seen a significant decline in fortunes and employment during the course of the past three decades. In an effort to these problems, governments at local, national and regional levels have been seeking to produce a range of strategies that will support and regenerate agricultural, the results of which have met with mixed levels of success. Irrespective of the help afforded to them, many agricultural areas still remain relatively weak. Where improvements are achieved, often it is at the expense of the agricultural industry itself. For example, promotion of cultural tourism, whilst it may benefit some agricultural communities, does not address the core issues, namely improving the indigenous industry and food production chain. However, recent studies carried out have suggested that there may be another way to approach the issue. This research, as reported by Peter Pierpont (1997), suggests that if the development of food processing is encouraged within an agricultural area, it can result in an increased level of prosperity, producing subsequent improvements in employment, economic output and the GDP per head (Pierpont 1997). Aims and Objectives The aim of this paper is to evaluate the hypothesis set by Peter Pierpont (1997) and to ascertain if the development of food processing in agricultural areas can provide a route to prosperity. To assist with the analysis for this purpose the UK agricultural regions of Cornwall and Wales will be used as case studies, with other agricultural regions within the UK and Europe being used for comparative purposes. Concentrating on the UK in particular, to enable the goals of this research to be achieved it is intended to focus the paper upon the following objectives: Provide an analysis of the historical development of the agricultural industry, paying particular attention to this sector within the United Kingdom. To provide a detailed analysis of the two selected agricultural areas, which will include the past and present economic and employment positions. Analyse and evaluate the impact that the development of food processing has upon selected agricultural regions. Evaluate the synergy that is said to exist between the agricultural and food processing industries. Overview of the research Following this introduction, chapter two provides a brief background of the development of both the agricultural and food processing industries. This is followed by a critical literary review within chapter three. Chapter four provides details of the methods used for the research required for this paper, with the findings from resulted from the research are analysed and discussed in full in chapter five. The conclusion of this study, together with any recommendations that are considered appropriate, are outlined in chapter six. Chapter 2 Background Following the advances in technology over the course of the past three decades, there have been significant changes witnessed both within the agricultural and food processing, as they exist in the UK. UK Agricultural Industry Following WWII, the concentration upon the economic value of British agriculture came a poor last place to other industries as the UK sought to rebuild its economic position. Thus agriculture was basically left to fend for itself as it sought to compete with an increasing level of food products being imported from overseas markets (Greer 2005, p.86). In line with the general industry trends, in both of the selected areas there has been a decline in the agriculture economy during the course of the past three decades, despite the fact that the rural areas have historically relied upon this industry to maintain their local communities. In the UK the rural farming decline has been exacerbated by the concentration of farming methods undertaken by large corporations together with the increasing levels of imported produce, which can be purchased at prices that the UK farmers cannot compete. Similarly, the pressure from retailers for lower pricing has reduced the competitiveness of the local farms. Evidence of these events can be seen from the following (figure 1). This table shows how, during the past decade the agricultural industry contribution to the UK economy has fallen to nearly half of its 1996 value and the GDP by two thirds. Furthermore, whilst our exports in this area have remained relatively static, imports have increased by nearly 40%, which has affected the countrys self-sufficiency levels. Similarly, although net farm incomes have steadily increased since 1999, the total income from farming has halved, which indicates the size of the agricultural resources that have been lost since the turn of the century. The concentration of farming into bigger units has been more pronounced in the UK, with an average farm size of 66.7 hectares, than most other areas of Europe, as is evidenced from the following table(figure 2). Even in countries such as France and Germany farm sizes are significantly smaller. Figure 2 Farm Sizes At the same time as the above results were being witnessed, there was also a significant drop in employment within the industry. This was partially due to the economic position of Agriculture, but at the same time the historical tradition of offspring following their parents onto the farms was also being broken, with less enthusiasm being shown for taken over the role of farmers due to the long hours of work required for relatively low levels of return. Figure 2 shows how severe this decline was in the five years to 2000, with a loss of over sixty thousand employees in that period representing nearly ten present of the previous workforce. The loss of skilled workers resulting from persons leaving the industry served to exacerbated the economic problems that it was experiencing. Figure 3 Fall in workforce In the case of Cornwall, much of this decline has also been fuelled by the increasing concentration upon the tourism attraction of the area. For example, due to the economic benefits, many traditional farmers have transferred the usage of parts of their agricultural landform food production to activities that will capture a share of the tourist market, such as campsites and caravan parks. The position in Wales has become even more extreme than Cornwall. Central Wales is a more remote location than its Cornish counterpart, with a low internal level of infrastructure and a less developed transportation systems, which makes it less accessible for business and consumers alike. As a result, local businesses and services such as health care have closed or transferred their services to towns and cities, and much of the rural population has followed. This situation, together with the economic decline in agriculture as previously outlined, has led to many farms in the area becoming economically unviable. UK Food Processing Industry Food processing is defined as being any method or technique that issued to transform the raw product, being meat, vegetable, cereals another food products, to an edible dish for the average human. Without this part of the supply chain our diets would be more limited than they are today, with less variety to choose from and a more seasonal aspect to the food we purchase. Therefore any process, from the preparation of meat at the Butchers to the preparation of ready-made meals for consumer consumption on sale in supermarkets is a part of this process. Food processing also increases the durability of the product, increasing the shelf and use life, which has the effect of reducing waste whilst at the same time increasing the quantity of supply. Indeed, as the BNF (Factsheet 2000) rightly observe, without food processing it would not be possible to sustain the needs of modern urban populations. Prior to the advent of new industrialisation methods, mass production and the new technology area, the majority of the food processing system was conducted at a local level. However, subsequent to these events, the food processing systems and organisations became centralised into the more industrialised areas of the country. The major contributory factors behind this evolution of the food processing industry away from local to a central location was partially dictated by the increased access to labour, which due to its proximity to the workplace was in plentiful supply at a lower cost, together with the advent of the mass production process. In addition, such areas of the country and region enjoyed easier access to the national and international transport network. All of these advantages meant that the businesses involved could reduce costs and increase the speed of the production process. The centralisation of the food-processing sector of the supply chain was also driven by changes in consumer demands and expectations. As supplies became more plentiful and the retail supermarket phenomena expanded throughout the country the consumer demanded lower prices in the food sector. To deliver this supermarkets needed to reduce their own costs, which could only be achieved by them having access to centralised purchasing outlets, rather than the previously diverse and expensive distribution network. One abnormality that has arisen from this development is that often products harvested locally are often transported out of their local area to be processed and then returned to the shops within the same locality for sale through stores. For example, the raw milk product could be collected from the dairy farmer, transported to a processing plant a distance away from that farm and then, once it has been processed into the carton that we see on supermarket shelves, re-transported back to the local supermarket in the same area. Chapter 3 Literature Review Agricultural industry Much has been written about the UK agricultural industry over the years and regarding the way it has developed, and there are a variety of views regarding the way it should develop in the future. Hector(1969) believes that in essence the industry has developed on the basis of an internal colony, with each area being a part of, but in essence operating as a separate unit from the whole. Indeed, if one looks at the UK just after the war, when home gardens and allotments used to be vital sources of food (Petty 2002, p.185), it is easy to see how this insular and separate attitude can develop. In the first half of the twentieth century the British people had a very independent manner and were set in their ways. This contributes to the reason why, despite advances that have been made in agriculture over the years, in earlier section of his research Petty (2002, p.72) discovered that, in the main, the processes used to produce food on modern farms is still very conventional. Despite the fact that the agricultural industry as an element of the National economy has become significantly less important over the years, there are still certain areas where it is considered to have an essential impact on the local community in terms of the revenue it contributes (Greer 2005, p.74 and p.77). These include such regions as Wales, with its unique hill farming industry, East Anglia for the cereal output and, to some extent, Cornwall for its wheat and grain. In Wales for example, over a wide area of the country agriculture is still the industry that is central to the regions community and economy. However, despite this fact the area has still witness a reduction in the number of people employed in agriculture (Jones 1999, p.185 andp.309). As has been noted earlier, most other agricultural regions, including Cornwall have experienced a similar decline in the employment base. Nevertheless, in terms of preserving the countryside and agricultural industry, there is still somewhere in the region of eighteen million hectares of land in the United Kingdom that is used for agricultural purpose (Petty 2002, p.30), for which an effective management strategy has needed to be developed over the years. Certainly, if the UK wishes to halt the decline in the levels of self-sufficiency However, as has been widely recorded, efforts to revitalise the industry have been thwarted by several events that have had an adverse effect upon the industry. For example, in early 2001, as noted by Agriculture (2007), the decline was exacerbated by a serious outbreak of foot and mouth within the animal population and this, followed by health risks from BSE and swine fever, severely curtailed the agricultural industrys ability to expand within both the home and international market places. Following these events, and in an effort to reposition the importance of agriculture within the economy, the NFU , one of the most active representative bodies for the industry campaigned for the government and the EU to create an innovative plan in an effort to restore public confidence in home produced food (Greer 2005, p.40). Similarly, farmers in Wales in the late part of the last century engaged in a series of active protests, which were aimed mainly at reducing the effect that subsidised imports In response to these concerns and also as a result of the initiatives set in place by the European Union, DEFRA has produced and discussed a number of strategies over recent years. With the central focus of these being action required nationally to seek a restructure of the agricultural industry into a more efficient sector (Greer 2005, p.129),the organisations purpose is to restore the former prosperity of the regions. Whilst maintaining the unified approach, development plans have been set in place for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (Greer 2005, p.41). However, it has been recognised that to prosper, agriculture has to seek new and innovative ways to add value to its industry, which entailed a certain level of diversity from traditional methods and approaches if the industry was to achieve recovery and become competitive nationally and internationally. Initially some areas, such as Cornwall, have taken the colonial approach discussed within Hector (1969) and sought other ways of increasing their individual incomes and prosperity. As has already been mentioned, in this particular region, many turned to tourism for this result. However, with the advent of cheap flights and travel, even this opportunity is now in decline. Thus the industry needs to look for more sustainable options. To this end Peter Pierpont (1997) suggested research shows that combining the development of food processing within the agricultural regions may provide a positive option. Food Processing As with any are of industry, a range of supplementary operations has grown around agriculture. These indirectly include such organisations as financial institutions, equipment manufacturers and suppliers and the chemical and biotechnology organisations. However, the most directly linked ancillary industry to agriculture is food processing (Greer 2005, p.49). It is totally apparent that the two industries and inter-dependent. From the food producers to the processing and packaging operations and then on to the retailers, all of these areas are an integral part of the food supply chain. As has been previously noted, in the past the agricultural industry and regions have tended to remain separate from the rest of the food supply chain. The perceived advantage of this approach was seen to be that farmers felt comfortable and confident within their own business environment and, as long as they were producing the required levels of products, saw this as their main income generator. However, the disadvantage was that, as the retail industry became more organised and, with the development of supermarkets and other price conscious outlets, so they began to have more influence upon the agricultural industry, forcing down prices and demanding higher yields and quality, all of which added to the economic difficulties being experience within the agricultural regions. However, European Union regional data strongly suggests that agricultural regions that have taken it upon themselves to develop the food processing industry at a local level have seen increased value-added to the industry itself (Pierpont 1997) although, in his study he suggests that the structure of the French farming industry has given it an advantage in this area over their Cornish counterparts, despite the geographical and socio-economic similarities. Nevertheless, in Cornwall and other agricultural areas of the UK, those within the agricultural industry are beginning to take notice of the agro-food approach. For example, a group of growers and farmers from the southwest regions of Cornwall across to Hampshire have formed their own organic marketing co-op, (Petty 2002, p.112) which provides a better value basis for the sale of products to the retail market. Similarly, in Wales certain regions have created action plans for their agricultural industries which includes integrating more of the food processing and supply aspect of the food chain within their region, thus enabling them to benefit from the added-value of a resource that had previously not been available to them (Greer 2005, p.194). It is argued by researches that creating a more localised food processing sector within the agricultural regions, where farmers and producers can be more directly involved with other areas of the food chain, including preparation, distribution and marketing, will produce positive results in terms of the financial stability and growth within the farming and rural communities. Summary It is clear from the research that has been carried out into agriculture, that there is a need to address the decline within the industry, which as can be seen from figure 1 (page 7 of this report)has fallen by ten present in the last decade. The majority of this research shows that the last three decades have seen a consistent decline in the fortunes of the industry, both in terms of its economic value to the UK economy as a whole, and in relation to employment statistics. Some researchers see developing the food processing industry within the agricultural regions as the way forward and the route to prosperity. The question is whether this theory is supported by the facts within the areas being used as a case study in this paper. Chapter 4 Research Methodology Research objective Within the introduction section of this study, the four key objectives for the research were outlined. The research into how the agricultural industry has developed, particularly in relation to United Kingdom provides essential background information, which will assist in understanding why these areas have become of such concern to government and non-governmental organisations over recent decades. The choice of Cornwall and Wales for the case study is appropriate because in the case of the former, much attention over recent decades has been concentrated upon developing the tourism attraction, rather than agricultural needs of the area. Wales provides a much larger agricultural environment, which has to compete with small pockets of heavily industrialised regions, specifically on coastal areas. Food processing, up until the last decade, has been seen mainly as an industrial activity and therefore it is important to understand how the transfer of this activity to agricultural regions has both evolved and to what extent the case study areas have benefited from this latest development. Similarly, as an integral part of this area of research, the relevant synergies will provide a better understanding of the basis for accuracy of the hypothesis. Choice of research approach Due to the nature of the area being research, it is felt that the qualitative method or research, which uses primary data as its basis(Collis and Hussey 2003, p.53), would not have been appropriate. The questionnaire and research based approach, whilst useful, would not have provided the necessary detailed research information that is required for the purpose of adding to the understanding of the issue of food processing development in agricultural regions, apart from giving some indication as to how the various stakeholders, specifically those who operate within the respective industries, have reacted to this evolution. The significant level of research and statistical data required for this study led the author to believe that the quantitative research approach would be a more productive approach. In an endeavour to ensure the reliability of the data researched, a wide and diverse range of sources has been used for this study (Collis and Hussey 2003. p.71). This situation provided the author with the ability to cross-refer and check the accuracy, impartiality and validity of the information gathered, which enables the highest possible level of objectivity to be attached to the conclusions and recommendations reached. Industry Data With regards to the data relating to the agricultural and food processing industries, this has been acquired from a variety of sources, which includes UK and EU government departments and other industry associations and observers. Included within this data is the relevant statistical information from UK and EU surveys. Additional data was obtained from Internet sources, books, journals and other industry and economic sources. Wherever possible prime sources have been used for data gathering, particularly in relation to the strategies and policies that have been suggested and implemented by teak and EU governments. This data includes current and suggested policy documents. Selected areas case study In keeping with the advices given by researchers such as Collis and Hussey (2003), a substantial amount of time has been expended in digesting all of the material available in relation to the agriculture industry in Cornwall and Wales, to make sure that the chosen material was apposite to the objectives and questions being sought. Furthermore, data from organizations active within the two selected areas was also used. These sources, together with others, were used to obtain past and future strategic information as well as for outlining the current position of the agricultural and food processing industries in both of these regions of the country. To provide objectivity in regards to this data, industry reports and independent research carried out bother experts in the respective industries were also reviewed. The reason for the choice of these two areas is that, whilst there are similarities in terms of their agricultural heritage, they differ in terms of economic and political development and evolution. Politically Cornwall is still an integral part of the UK political structure, whereas Wales has a degree of devolved power. Economically Cornwall has attracted a wider diversity of activities and services, particularly within the tourism sector, whereas this has impacted upon Wales to lesser extent. In order to achieve a comparative benchmark for the case study, the areas selected have been assessed against similar regions within other member states of the European Union. In this instance, information from the EU itself and various sources within the selected nation states, have been used. Chapter 5 Findings, Analysis and Discussion To enable an analysis of the hypothesis that was set at the commencement of this paper, it was decided to use two distinct Agricultural regions, these being Cornwall and Wales for the reasons that have been outlined previously. Agricultural regions Cornwall Cornwall is set in the South West of the UK. Although it is traditionally an agricultural region, it has perhaps become better known since the Second World War as a tourist area. Nevertheless, it still has a significant agricultural base within its economy, which is still seen as one of the primary industries for the county (Cornwall County Council 2007), with a growth in the number of holdings during the period from 1997 to 2001 (see figure 4), which compares favourably with the movement in England as a whole. However, the industry has seen significant reduction in the areas committed to the raising of cattle and sheep livestock, which reflects the overall difficulties that have been generally experienced in this area as a result of disease epidemics such as BSE and also the inroads being made by foreign imports. Despite recent declines, it is seen as one of the foundations for strong rural communities, but the industry can only retain this position by increasing employment, which through current agricultural methods and strategies is not happening. Figure 4 Farming in Cornwall However, despite the apparent improvement seen above, this has not translated itself into improvements on the employment issue. As can be seen from the following table (figure 5), the numbers of people employed within the agricultural industry are continuing to fall. Despite the fact that in comparison to England, Cornwall has suffered less, the Cornwall County Council (2007) do not see this downward trending their region being reversed in the immediate future, with the majority of the remaining workforce consisting of owners and tenants(Cornwall County Council 2007, 3.38). Figure 5 Agricultural employment Cornwall Agricultural regions Wales Agriculture in Wales, because of the internal terrain, is most known for its Hill Farming element. It has a substantially higher level of holdings than Cornwall, spread over a greater land mass (see figure 6). Figure 6 Farms in Wales In terms of employment the region, like Cornwall, has seen a consistent decline in the numbers during the past decade, although as the following table shows, there was a slight improvement in the figures during 2004 (see figure 7). Figure 7 Agricultural employment in Wales Causes of Agricultural decline Some of the responsibility for the current position and trends has been levelled at the cost-price squeeze effect that is currently taking place within the food chain, with consumers consistently demanding lower retail prices. Whilst it is true that this has had significant impact on the industry, it is not the sole cause of the current position. Three other significant factors have also had an adverse effect. Disease. The perceived lack of safety in British foods following the incidences of foot and mouth, BSE, swine fever and, more recently, outbreaks of avian flu (Haynes 2007) has also had a significant impact upon consumers and buyers both confidence in the UK and abroad. The fact that these have occurred within a relatively short period of each other has done little to improve the recovery position of the industry as a whole, the timescale of which has been extended as a result of these events. Technology usage. Apart from the larger corporate farm holdings the use of modern technological advances within agriculture within the smaller holdings has not been taken advantage of to the extent that other industries have respond to this area of business to the same extent. This is presumably due to the older age demographics of the older owners and tenants, together with the time constraints that they experience as a result of low levels of employment. Based upon the lack of profitability of many small farms, another contributory factor tithe lack of new technology resources in use results from the limited financial resources available to purchase the equipment and training necessary for such innovations. Finally, the local colony attitude as indicated by Hector (1969)is still in evidence in many rural and farming areas. The psychological position of a large element of the agricultural community is resistant to change, a situation that makes improvements for greater efficiency difficult to implement. National and Regional Strategies There have been a number of initiatives instigated with regard to the agricultural industry, particularly from the European Union, although these and those that have come from the UK authorities, have not been met with unanimous approval. In the case of the EU strategies there Isa body of opinion that this limits national action. As Alan Greer(2005) states in the introduction to his study on the agricultural industry, there is a widespread assumption that the existence of a CAP across the European Union undermines the capacity of states to construct their own national policies. To a certain extent the comment made by Greer is true. As will be seen within this section of the paper, a large proportion of the strategies and policies relating tithe UK agricultural industry have in fact come into existence as a result of EU discussions and directives. Irrespective of these comments, it is important to remember that the European Union as a whole commits in excess of forty-five billion dollars each year in support of farmers throughout the member states. Therefore it is fair to state, as Cardwell (2004, p.8) does that Agriculture enjoys numerous advantages in the operation of the Legislative process and bureaucracy. Whilst it may be true that the major part of these funds are utilised in the purchasing and storage of surplus products such as beef, wheat, milk and butter, before selling it to other nations, usually within the developing and third world(Gardner 1996, p.3), this still represents a significant level of state aid. The Common Agricultural Policy seeks to achieve fairness of competition within the EU, whilst at the same time providing aid. The potential drawbacks of this policy is that it still leaves farmers vulnerable to policy changes and increases in costs that are not fully reflected within the subsidies. For example in Wales, which benefits from CAP, the increases in prosperity that it has brought to the hill farmers in the area could disappear if policies change and the EU or local authorities felt that this was providing the area with an unfair advantage, or changed the conditions in relation to eligibility (Jones1999, p.320 and Cardwell 2004, p.227). In terms of cost increases, during the reform of the CAP system it has already been noted that these increases had an adverse effect upon the UK arable industry as awhile (Gardner 1996, p.148). Thus it would be true to say that such policies only remain appropriate should all other factors remain the same. In the UK in 2002, the government commissioned a report on the future of farming and food (Curry 2002) in an attempt to define strategy, which would led to a more sustainable for the future of agriculture and those who work within the industry. One of the main conclusions of this report (Curry 2002, p.109) was that farming had become detached from the rest of the economy and the environment. There port also suggests that this position has been reached partly as a result of the substantial subsidies, which its authors believed should be ended (Curry 2002, p.110). To address this position the report suggests that new research bodies, comprising of representatives from all the industry stakeholders, including the consumer, should be set, which will include within its remit, the setting up of demonstration farms to be used as models of economic success in farming. One comment within this area of the report that is particularly pertinent to the research of this paper is the comment that at the moment some [food]chains are too long (Curry 2002, p.113), suggesting that a food chain centre be set up to ensure the communication activities within the food chain are improved. Together with this Curry (2002, p.118) suggests the creation of marketing grants to help farmers to be able to more actively promote their produce in the local area. This is seen as an important area for farmers to take advantage of, particularly in view of the increase in consumer concerns within regard to the safety of food production and other environmental issues. Similarly, it recommends a higher level of training and involvement by farmers within areas of new technology as it relates to equipment and processes. Not all of the recommendations of the report have been accepted as appropriate or even workable. Adam Quinsy (2002), whilst praising many of its recommendations, takes issue with the cost element, indicating that, with the price of new technology and the low prices that farmers receive for their products would make it difficult for the farmers to implement many of the recommendations made, for example the increased levels of training. Furthermore Mr Quinsy (2002) contends that there are inefficiencies in the food chain, but that the retailing end of this sector are the ones who are responsible, and are using higher prices to consumers and lower cost from suppliers to address these issues rather than take steps to make the system more efficient. However, it does seem from all of the strategies that are being put forward by governments and other authorities, that there is a consensus towards diversification an integral part of the way forward, although the Curry (2002) report stops short of fully supporting incorporating a more localised food programme as part of this diversification programme. Whether this was intentional, or merely not part of its remit at the time, or even a deliberate omission to avoid creating issues that would be likely to impact upon other stakeholders within the food chain, is debatable. This is in spite of the fact that the Government, in their report Facing the Future (2002) recognised that all parts of the food chain were mutually dependent. Food Processing in the agricultural regions In addition to the findings of Peter Pierpont (1997), many other researchers have indicated that, by becoming more involved with the food processing aspect of the food chain, the agriculture industry can achieve benefits. For example Caldwell (2004, p.312), whose research confirms that the agriculture industry is at a low point of that chain, and the economic results confirm this, also states earlier (p.13) that the inclusion of parts of the food-processing element can increase that communities GDP by around two present. Furthermore there are benefits from EU subsidies that would attach to those who become involved with the food-processing element. For example, agricultural exporting receives a greater proportion of the Farm funds than the pay-out levies on imports of food (Gardner 1996,p.44). Similarly, certainly within the area of organic food processing, the UK government, whilst setting high standards (Cardwell2004, p.282) does provide considerable assistance to the industry, most of which would be directed towards to the smaller farming unit. This is one particular area of the industry where the smaller size of the business, and its lower reliance on mass production, is a distinct advantage. Some within the industry may consider that the inclusion of food processing within the local agricultural industry may have certain disadvantages. These include the following areas: Lack of continuity of sale. The fear in this instance is that changing from a position where there is a constant stream of bulk orders that ensures sale of all production, to one where the level of sale is more locally dependent could leave the farmers with unwanted and unusable stocks. However, this situation can be addressed by efficiency of management and using a progressive transfer of product sale. Cost prohibitive. The perception is that raising the capital to undertake such a venture would be cost prohibitive both in terms of the capital outlay and the promotion. The latter part of this concern is addressed within the Curry report (2002) where it recommends marketing grant and the former is a question of developing an appropriate business plan. Lack of expertise and knowledge. Training is available to cover most of these areas and, to a certain extent it is simply an extension of the marketing process of selling in bulk to the larger organisations. Furthermore, by the formation of co-operatives there is the potential to pool skills and resources to counteract any deficiencies in these areas. Conversely, there are also advantages to be gained from the process: Added value. With more control over the processing and destination of its products, the farmer is likely to receive an increase in the revenue per unit of product sold. This will provide additional profits, which will enable the business to invest in more efficient measures and processes within their business. Local economy. With more funds remaining in the local area, this will improve facilities within the local rural community and lead to this position being able to be more positively sustained. Employment. With the increased efficiency levels employment within the industry will rise, enabling a continuity of succession to more easily be developed. A well-known example of a successful transition to the inclusion of the food processing element at a local level can be found in the case of the Prince of Wales Duchy of Cornwall business, which has even extended its sales internationally in the US (Milford Mail Tribune2004), where the business is successfully offering Duchy Originals to consumers. As is evident from the highly publicised levels of tax that the Prince is having to pay on the revenues from this business, amongst his other interests, this proves that the venture has resulted in the business becoming more efficient and increased the prosperity of the business and the local community who work or benefit from the business. Other international studies have also suggested that food processing can bring advantages to the agricultural industry. For example, Ann Brentmar (1996), in her study into the inclusion of the food-processing sector within the farming community in Oregon, US, commented upon two separate but important issues. The first, and the one most relevant to this research, was the benefits that it delivered to the farmers and producers. As Ms Brent mars (1996, p.4) research rightly indicates, in general terms farmer and farming is the most labour and risk intensive part of the food chain and, at the same time the one sector of that chain that attracts the least reward. However, by incorporating the food processing chain, which includes marketing, within the farming activity, it can have the effect of increasing revenue and profitability, which provides an opportunity for these businesses to become more efficient and self-reliant. Secondly, by becoming more self-sufficient in this manner, such a move has the added benefit of preserving farmland, for instance from development, and as a direct result of this will help in the maintenance of rural communities, increasing employment opportunities. Conclusion and Recommendations The hypothesis set at the commencement of this paper was to ascertain if the development of food processing in agricultural areas can provide a route to prosperity. From the research that has been carried out for this paper it is concluded that this case has been proven. All businesses, irrespective of their industry, has to grow and develop, which means adapting to the current environment, and adapting to the changing demands and expectations of the market place, and the agriculture industry cannot be exempted from this process. To address the problems of the industry exclusive of diversification has been proven to be not a viable option. Despite all of the initiatives that have been introduced over the years, the Agriculture industry has not responded positively to these aids, as the continual declines in its fortunes have shown. Therefore, in addition to measures to creating more efficient methods of farming, it is apparent that diversification does provide an opportunity for added prosperity. Whilst, as shown in Cornwall with tourism, some benefit can be gained from diversification outside of the industry itself, this has not been able to be sustained, mainly as a result of influences outside of the control of the agricultural industry itself. In the view of the author diversification within an area that the industry has some knowledge about, such as food processing, would be far more sustainable. Whilst there is little doubt that certain operators within the existing food-processing operations would have reservation regarding it becoming a more localised event, it is proven that, particularly in terms of current concerns from consumers in relation to food safety and environmental issues, promoting localising food processing as addressing these concerns can bring increase in revenue and therefore add value to the business and industry. However, during the transitional period, whilst the industry is in the process of change, there will remain a need for assistance from governments and other non-governmental organisations. Similarly, it is important for the industry itself to understand the need, and takes the necessary steps, to adapt to change from whatever sources this emanates. Bibliography Brent mar, Ann (1996). Preserve Farmland Through Prosperity. Cascade Policy Institute. Cardwell, Michael (2004). The European Model of Agriculture. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK. Collis Jill and Hussey, Roger (2003). Business Research. 2nd edition, Palgrave MacMillan. Basingstoke, UK. Cornwall Restructure Plan (1997). Urban and Rural Employment, Industry and Commerce. Editorial (1994). Duchy Originals To Be Sold in the US? Milford Mail Tribune. Milford, US. Facing the future (2002) The Strategy for Sustainable Farming and Food. Factsheet (2000). Nutrition and Food-Processing. British Nutrition Foundation. London, UK. Gardner, Brian (1996). Farming for the Future: Policies, Production and Trade. Rutledge. London, UK. Greer, Alan (2005). Agricultural Policy in Europe. Manchester University Press. Manchester, UK. Haynes, Deborah (2007). Bernard Matthews says bird flu scare not his fault. Reuters. London, UK. Hector, M. (1969) Internal Colonialism: the Celtic fringe in British N ational Development 1536-1966. Rutledge Kegan Paul. London, UK. Jones, Gareth Elwyn (1999). Modern Wales: A Concise History. 2nd ed. University of Cambridge. Cambridge, UK. Lackham Farm and Estate (2007). Food Processing. Lord Curry (2002). Report of the Policy Commission on the future of Farming and Food. Morgan, Kevin., Marsden, Terry and Murdoch, Jonathan (2006). Worlds ofFood: Place, Power and Provenance in the Food Chain. Oxford UniversityPress. Oxford, UK. Pierpont, P. (1997). Food processing in agricultural regions: a routeto prosperity? Agricultural Economics Society Conference, March 1997(in press). 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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Famous Celebrity Trials and Court Cases

Even the rich and famous can find themselves in trouble with the law. Being a celebrity in the United States does not protect you from the pursuit of justice. Nor does it protect you from becoming a crime victim. These stories give the timeline of criminal investigations and trials of cases involving celebrities. Some of the cases are closed and adjudicated, while others are still on-going. The Death of Michael Jackson On June 25, 2009, less than a month before he was scheduled to begin a series of comeback concerts, paramedics were called to Michael Jacksons rented home in Holby Hills near Los Angeles where they found him unconscious and not responding. The Trial of Michael Jackson Pop singer Michael Jackson faced charges of conspiracy to commit child abduction, false imprisonment and extortion, three counts of committing lewd acts upon a child, attempted lewd acts upon a child, and four counts of administering intoxicating agents to assist in the commission of a felony. The Legal Saga of O.J. Simpson On Sept. 13, 2007, Simpson and four other men entered a Las Vegas casino hotel room where some of his sports memorabilia were being offered for sale by two collectors. Police arrested O.J. Simpson on kidnapping and armed robbery charges. The Robert Blake Case Robert Blake faced trial for the murder of Bonny Lee Bakley and soliciting two other men to kill her. Bakley, 44, was shot to death on May 4, 2001, as she sat in Blakes sports car behind a restaurant where the couple had just dined. The Phil Spector Case Legendary rock and roll music producer Phil Spector was charged with the fatal shooting of former actress Lana Clarkston Feb. 3, 2003, at his Los Angeles mansion. The Jennifer Hudson Family Murders On October 24, 2008, the bodies of Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Hudsons mother and brother were found in the familys home on Chicagos South Side. Shot to death were Hudsons mother, Darnell Donerson, and her brother, Jason Hudson. The Legal Troubles of Joe Francis Joe Francis, who has made millions from his Girls Gone Wild videos and magazines, has found himself entangled in legal trouble in civil and criminal courts on the state and federal levels. The Kobe Bryant Case Professional basketball star Kobe Bryant, 24, was charged with a single count of felony sexual assault against a 19-year-old woman at an exclusive spa where he was staying when he came to Colorado for knee surgery in the summer of 2003.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Transgender Issue Societal Gender Constructs Essay

The Transgender Issue Societal Gender Constructs Recently, courtrooms have been filling up with the issue of transgender rights and the need for protection of these people’s basic rights that everyone else has (Scherer 32). The most pressing, or popular issue, within this battle, seems to be which public bathrooms should be used by transgender individuals. On the one hand, conservatives believe that everyone should go to the bathroom specified for the gender they were born with, claiming that invasion of privacy and safety issues would be bound to arise in allowing transgender individuals to go to the bathroom of their choice. While proponents claim that the transgender community is excluded from society, bullied, and forced to live as the gender they were born as, not what they identify with--leaving them restricted, oppressed, and denied of their basic freedoms and rights under the Constitution (Scherer). Are there bigger issues at hand than where someone should go to the bathroom? Why is there so much controversy over such a daily simple task as going to the bathroom? Maybe the real problem is that we, as a U.S. society, have created a separation of genders in numerous social constructs where there need not be even distinction of these genders. Our beliefs have always been that there are only two genders and that with these two genders comes specific traits, behaviors, and characteristics-- that crossing the barrier of the genders by behaving what we consider toShow MoreRelatedWe Are A Divided Society1744 Words   |  7 Pagesbelong. All too often, transgender youth are denied that sense of belonging because they defy societies categories of male and female. Society’s collective response of marginalization, shaming, and violence negatively impacts transgender youth and their mental health. Expanding our view beyond the gender binary could increase understanding and tolerance. Understanding and tolerance creates acceptance. Acceptance means everyone would belong. Our society often uses sex and gender interchangeably, butRead MoreComparing Intersex And Transgender Females Deserve A Place Of Belonging1398 Words   |  6 PagesIntersex and transgender females deserve a place of belonging in the world of sport. Society’s need to categorize humans makes it difficult for minorities to find a sense of belonging. Humans are easily given labels by society - as gay, straight, black, asian, female, male etc. This system works for the majority of people, and those who fit in do not see a necessity to change these constructs. As Judith Butler argues in her essay Undoing Gender we must remake the definition of human by deconstructingRead MoreThe World Of Athletics Has Been Built Around A Binary View1634 Words   |  7 Pages The world of athletics has been built around a binary view of gender. The distinction between genders is obvious: there is women’s sport and there is men’s sport. However, in reality, gender biology is not black and white – there is a multitude of ways to be human. The separation of men’s and women’s sport leads to a large population of athletes getting stuck in the middle. There is a growing social acceptance of transgender and intersex individuals in society, however, when it comes to sport theseRead MoreNeoliberalism : An Dominant Ideology Of The Modern Era1680 Words   |  7 Pagesmodern era, focusing primarily on human well-being as a mode of political economic practice through which constructs like strong private property rights, free trade, and free markets and be liberated through individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills. Neoliberalism perpetrates the ideas of deregulation, privatization, austerity, and blame in modern society, which all affect the transgender community disproportionately in a negative manner. For example, neoliberal ideologies, tactics, and effectsRead MoreWhat Does Transgender Mean? Essay1452 Words   |  6 Pagescountry. Specifically for the LGBTQ movement, we see an increase of people being active and supportive to combat a patriarchal and gender binary society. For example, the recent yet, prevalent argument about same sex marriage. In addition to many people who died, were publicly humiliated, physically and or sexually abused because of their sexual preferences or gender identity. As for transgendered people, they are often ridiculed and are victims of offensive behavior by people who feel that theyRead MoreFemale And Male And Female1325 Words   |  6 Pagesdefine our entire lives from the day we are born. Binary classifications of sex and gender have always been the norm in society. The entrenchment of those categories in identification documents, expose individuals who do not correctly fit into the status-quo of these two categories. Among them, intersex people are especially vulnerable. In recent years, the LGBTQ community has had strong pushes for more rights and societal recognition, however there is still one hole remaining that flies under the radarRead MoreDifferences Between Dominant And Subordinate Groups Of The Dominant Group1503 Words   |  7 Pagesto create advantages for the dominant groups in society. These dichotomies are necessary to maintain the structural power of the dominant group (Hackman, 2013), and one dichotomy in society is based on gender. For the social category of gender, the men are the dominant group, and women and transgender people are the subordinate group (Kirk Okazawa-Rey, 2013). Hence, the dominant group of men creates a system of sexism, which â€Å"serves to privilege men, subordinate women, denigrate women-identifiedRead MoreThe United States Is A Divided Society2038 Words   |  9 Pagesyou belong. All too often, however, transgender youth are denied that sense of ubelonging because they defy society’s categories of male and female. The gender binary divides society into two separate, unequivocal categories that marginalizes tran sgender youth and directly impacts their emotional health and well-being. Society’s collective response of demeaning, shaming, and violence further increases the divide. Therefore, expanding our view beyond a strict gender binary could increase understandingRead MoreThe Transgender Bathroom Policy For Transgender Students Essay1778 Words   |  8 Pagesjudgement. The transgender bathroom policy allows transgender students to use the bathroom they identify as and not by the sex on their birth certificate (Fox News, 2016). The transgender bathroom policy has both successes and failure to ensure safety for transgender students resulting to its change being for not only trans-gender. Gender neutral bathrooms allows safety for those who are not only transgender, but also a part of the LGBTQ community, etc. but it causes a conflict with gender segregationRead MoreA Large Issue Facing Trans Women894 Words   |  4 PagesA large issue facing trans women today is the violence perpe trated against them. In 2003, fourteen murders of trans people were recorded in the U.S, most of them being trans women and people of color. (Bettcher, p. 280) By mid-October of 2015, twenty-one trans women, who were also mostly women of color, were murdered in the United States, and this number exceeds the amount of trans murders in 2014. (Wilkinson, â€Å"You Know What Time It Is†) It is important to remember that these are only recorded instances

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employee Turnover free essay sample

My gratitude will also go to my family for their immeasurable support and encouragement, both spiritually and materially, which enabled me to accomplish this work. The Kenya national library and Jomo KenyattaMemorial library also assisted me in such a big way and I thank them greatly allowing me access to their facility as well as the personalized service I got from their staff. Last but not least, I will earnestly thank my colleagues and work mates for their understanding, encouragement and support during my study period. May God bless you all and expand your boundaries to untold limits. The target population will be all the employees in General Motors East Africa Ltd. The company has six departments and a total of 300 employees. A sample of 20% of employees in these departments will be taken for study. A representative group according to Mugenda and Mugenda is one that is at least 10% of the population interest. One of the main problems experienced is that of staff turnover. Hewu Hospital had 60 vacancies for nurses and 15 for doctors, and Bisho had 59 vacancies for nurses and 16 for doctors. Both hospitals were operating at a ratio of one nurse to 18 patients. Since 2003. at Hewu Hospital, a total of 73 nurses and doctors have resigned which was indicative of the stressful situation that exists. The vacancies have increased the workload of the remaining doctors and nurses (Mgudlwa, 2006). Kreitner and Kinicki (2001, p. 28) state that staff turnover is costly and decreases the job satisfaction of the remaining staff. Turnover also disrupts organisational continuity and is very costly in terms of rehiring and training new employees (Kreitner Kinicki, 2001, p. 28). It is therefore necessary to investigate staff turnover and find ways to control it. 2 To retain and maintain employees is not just about providing money and titles. It is also a matter of creating an environment or culture with which employees can identify (Bruce Pepitone, 1999, p. 106). The goal of truly successful managers is to get employees to work energetically, enthusiastically and to the best of their ability. Davis (1997, p. 261) relates higher job satisfaction to lower employee turnover. The more satisfied employees tend to stay in their jobs for longer. The above discussion leads to the main problem of this study. . 2 THE MAIN PROBLEM What factors contribute to staff turnover at Hewu Hospital and Bisho Hospital? 1. 2. 1 Sub-problems The following sub-problems have been developed from the main problem: Sub-problem 1 What individual, job, organisational, and environmental factors impact on staff turnover? This sub-problem was addressed by a thorough literature study to comp are and integrate the various theoretical approaches that highlight the factors that contribute to staff turnover. Interviews were conducted with the chief executive officer of Hewu Hospital and five senior nurses get their views on the abovementioned factors. Sub-problem 2 What strategies can organisations use to reduce staff turnover? This sub- problem was addressed by a theoretical study of strategies that organisations could use to reduce staff turnover. These strategies are covered in Chapter three. Sub-problem 3 What individual, job, organisational, and environmental factors, identified in the resolution of sub-problem one, contribute to high staff turnover among doctors and nurses at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals? This sub-problem was addressed by means of an empirical study, in the format of a survey with a questionnaire as data collecting tool. The questionnaire was administered to doctors and nurses at both Hewu and Bisho Hospitals. Sub-problem 4 What strategies are used at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals to reduce staff turnover? This sub-problem was addressed by means of an empirical study in the format of a survey with a questionnaire as data collecting tool. 1. 2. 2 Objectives of the study The study aimed at achieving the following objectives: To conduct a theoretical study to define what staff turnover is, and investigate how staff turnover is measured, as well as to give an overview of the causes and consequences of staff turnover. 4 To conduct a literature study to identify factors relating to the individual, the job, organisation (including organisational culture) and environment that contribute to staff turnover. To conduct an interview with the chief executive officer and five senior nurses to get their views on staff turnover at Hewu Hospital. To use the information gained from the interview and from the literature study, to develop a questionnaire. This would be used in the empirical study to determine the extent to which doctors and nurses at both hospitals agreed that the identified factors were evident in their work situation. To conduct a literature study to identify strategies that organisations can use to retain staff. To conduct an empirical study to determine what strategies were being used at Hewu and Bisho Hospitals to retain doctors and nurses. To provide recommendations for the reduction of staff turnover at these hospitals.